Ultimate Guide: How to Waterproof Outdoor Furniture

how to waterproof outdoor furniture

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Outdoor furniture, whether made of wicker, wood, metal, fabric, or plastic, can deteriorate over time when exposed to the elements. To ensure that your furniture stays beautiful and lasts for years, it’s important to know how to waterproof it. This guide provides you with step-by-step instructions and valuable tips on waterproofing outdoor furniture. Whether you have a patio set, chairs, tables, or cushions, we’ve got you covered.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to waterproof different types of outdoor furniture, including wicker, wood, metal, and fabric.
  • Choose the right waterproofing methods and materials based on your furniture’s material and your preferences.
  • Maintain your waterproofed outdoor furniture to maximize its lifespan and protect it from water damage.
  • Regularly inspect and clean your furniture, and reapply waterproofing treatments as recommended by the manufacturer.
  • By following these tips, you can ensure that your outdoor furniture remains in optimal condition for years to come.

Best Ways to Waterproof Outdoor Furniture

When it comes to protecting your outdoor furniture from water damage, there are several effective waterproofing solutions you can try. These methods will help ensure that your furniture stays in great condition and lasts for years to come. Whether you have a wooden patio set, a metal dining table, or fabric cushions, these outdoor furniture water repellent techniques will work wonders.

Water-Repellent Preservatives

One of the best ways to waterproof outdoor furniture is by using water-repellent preservatives. These products are specially formulated to penetrate the surface of the wood and create a protective barrier against water. They can be applied using a brush or sprayer and should be reapplied every couple of years to maintain their effectiveness.

Clear Varnish or Paint

Another popular method for waterproofing outdoor furniture is by applying a clear varnish or paint. This creates a seal on the surface of the furniture, preventing water from seeping in and causing damage. Clear varnish is ideal if you want to maintain the natural look of the wood, while paint offers more color options for customization.


Sealants are also a great option for waterproofing outdoor furniture. They work by creating a protective layer on the surface of the furniture, preventing water from penetrating. Silicone-based sealants are particularly effective and can be applied using a brush or roller. Just make sure to clean and dry the surface of the furniture thoroughly before applying the sealant for the best results.

Weatherproof Fabric

If you have outdoor furniture with fabric cushions or upholstery, using weatherproof fabric is essential for waterproofing. Look for fabrics that are specially designed to be resistant to moisture, stains, and mildew. Outdoor furniture covers made from weatherproof fabric are also a good investment to provide additional protection during inclement weather.

By utilizing these best ways to waterproof outdoor furniture, you can effectively protect your investments and ensure that they stay in excellent condition for years to come. Choose the method that best suits your furniture material and desired outcome, and don’t forget to regularly maintain and inspect your waterproofed furniture to maximize its lifespan.

How to Waterproof Different Types of Outdoor Furniture

When it comes to waterproofing outdoor furniture, different materials require different methods and materials. Here are some tips on how to effectively waterproof different types of outdoor furniture:

1. Wicker Furniture

To waterproof wicker furniture, it is recommended to use marine varnish or spray marine varnish. These products help seal the fibers and protect them from moisture. Apply a generous coat of marine varnish, making sure to cover all surfaces evenly. Allow it to dry completely before using the furniture.

2. Wood Furniture

For wood furniture, clear water-repellent preservatives or penetrating semitransparent stains are great options. These products help seal the wood and protect it from water damage. Apply the preservative or stain according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring even coverage. Allow it to dry completely before using the furniture.

3. Metal Furniture

When it comes to waterproofing metal furniture, it’s important to protect it from rust and corrosion. Start by cleaning the metal surface thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Then, apply a rust-resistant primer to create a barrier against moisture. Once the primer is dry, apply a coat of rust-resistant paint in your desired color. This will help seal the metal and protect it from water damage.

4. Fabric

To waterproof fabric furniture, consider using weatherproof or performance fabric that is specifically designed to resist sun damage, stains, moisture, and mildew. These fabrics are treated with special coatings that repel water and prevent it from seeping through. Alternatively, you can apply a water repellent spray to regular fabric to create a protective barrier against water.

By using the right waterproofing materials and techniques for each type of outdoor furniture, you can ensure their longevity and protect them from water damage. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and allow the furniture to fully dry before use. With proper waterproofing, your outdoor furniture will remain beautiful and functional for years to come.

Tips for Maintaining Waterproofed Outdoor Furniture

Once you have taken the necessary steps to waterproof your outdoor furniture, it’s important to maintain it properly to ensure its longevity and continued water resistance. Here are some essential tips for maintaining your waterproofed outdoor furniture:

  1. Keep it dry: Allow your furniture to fully dry before closing or covering it to prevent moisture buildup and potential damage. This is especially important for cushions and fabric materials.
  2. Bring it indoors during inclement weather: If possible, bring your furniture indoors or under cover during heavy rain or extreme weather conditions to protect it from excessive moisture.
  3. Use water-repellent products for fabric: Consider using water-repellent sprays or treatments specifically designed for outdoor fabric to provide an extra layer of protection against water damage and stains.
  4. Regular cleaning: Regularly clean your outdoor furniture to remove dirt, debris, and stains. Use mild soap and water or a gentle cleaner appropriate for the material type.
  5. Inspect for rust or chips in metal furniture: Check your metal furniture regularly for any signs of rust or chipped paint. Address these issues promptly to prevent further corrosion and damage.
  6. Reapply waterproofing treatments: Depending on the type of waterproofing treatment you used, it may be necessary to reapply it periodically as recommended by the manufacturer. This will help maintain the furniture’s water resistance over time.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your waterproofed outdoor furniture remains in optimal condition and continues to provide you with comfort and style for years to come.


In conclusion, waterproofing your outdoor furniture is crucial for protecting it from water damage and ensuring its longevity. By following the step-by-step instructions and valuable tips provided in this guide, you can effectively waterproof your furniture and keep it in excellent condition for years to come.

Remember to choose the appropriate waterproofing method for each type of furniture material, whether it’s wicker, wood, metal, or fabric. Utilizing water-repellent preservatives, clear varnish or paint, sealants, and weatherproof fabric can greatly enhance the moisture resistance of your outdoor furniture.

Furthermore, proper maintenance is essential to maintain the waterproofing and extend the lifespan of your furniture. Keep your furniture dry by allowing it to fully dry before covering or storing it. During inclement weather, it’s advisable to bring your furniture indoors. Regular cleaning, inspections for rust or chips, and reapplying waterproofing treatments as recommended will contribute to the long-term protection of your furniture.

By implementing these waterproofing techniques and maintenance strategies, you can create an outdoor oasis that not only looks beautiful but also withstands the test of time. So start waterproofing your outdoor furniture today and enjoy its beauty and functionality for many years to come!


What are the best ways to waterproof outdoor furniture?

The best ways to waterproof outdoor furniture include using water-repellent preservatives, clear varnish or paint, sealants, and weatherproof fabric.

How should I waterproof different types of outdoor furniture?

For wicker furniture, use marine varnish or spray marine varnish. Wood furniture can be sealed with water-repellent preservatives or penetrating semitransparent stains. Metal furniture can be treated with rust-resistant primers and paints. Weatherproof or performance fabric is a great option for fabric furniture.

How do I maintain waterproofed outdoor furniture?

To maintain waterproofed outdoor furniture, keep it dry by allowing it to fully dry before covering it, bring it indoors during inclement weather, use water-repellent products for fabric, regularly clean and inspect metal furniture for rust or chips, and reapply waterproofing treatments as recommended by the manufacturer.

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