How to Keep Birds from Pooping on Patio Furniture: Top Tips

how to keep birds from pooping on patio furniture

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Birds can be a delightful addition to your backyard, but their droppings can wreak havoc on your patio furniture. Luckily, there are several effective methods to keep birds away and maintain a clean outdoor space. By using bird repellent for outdoor furniture, bird deterrent for patio chairs, and other preventative measures, you can deter birds from leaving droppings on your patio furniture.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use bird repellent and deterrent products specifically designed for outdoor furniture.
  • Implement tactics such as hanging mirrors, spinning pinwheels, and wind chimes to create distractions and scare birds away.
  • Consider setting up reflective bird diverters or using fishing line as a barrier to prevent birds from landing on your patio furniture.
  • Utilize floating pool predators and inflatable beach balls to deter birds from your pool area.
  • Eliminate food sources that may attract birds to your outdoor dining area.

Plastic Predator Birds

One effective way to keep birds away from your patio furniture is by using plastic predator birds. Birds recognize certain predator species, such as hawks and owls, and instinctively stay away from their presence. You can purchase plastic owls or hawks from hardware or home stores and place them on your fence or in a nearby tree. Remember to move the predator bird regularly to prevent other birds from becoming accustomed to its presence.

Table: Comparison of Plastic Predator Birds

Predator Bird Price Movement Effectiveness
Owl $10 No Low
Hawk $15 No Medium
Owl with Rotating Head $20 Yes High

Plastic predator birds are a cost-effective solution for keeping birds away from your patio furniture. They are easy to install and can be moved around as needed. Their resemblance to real predator birds convinces other birds to stay away, reducing the chances of bird droppings on your furniture. Consider investing in a predator bird with a rotating head for added effectiveness.

Note: While plastic predator birds are a useful deterrent, they may not provide 100% protection against all bird species. It is recommended to combine multiple methods for optimal results.

Ultrasonic Sound System

A highly effective method to deter birds from leaving droppings on your patio furniture is by using an ultrasonic sound system. These devices emit high-pitched noises that are undetectable to humans but irritate and scare off birds. The ultrasonic sound system can be motion-activated, automatically emitting sound when a bird flies by. You have the option to choose between different types of sounds, such as predator bird calls or distress signals, depending on your specific needs and preferences.

The ultrasonic sound system works by creating an uncomfortable environment for birds, disrupting their peaceful roosting or feeding habits. With the ability to cover a wide range, these devices are suitable for both small and large outdoor areas. The inaudible sound creates a constant deterrent for birds, preventing them from congregating or perching on your patio furniture. By installing an ultrasonic sound system, you can enjoy a clean and bird-free outdoor space without causing any harm to the birds themselves.

How to Use an Ultrasonic Sound System

When setting up an ultrasonic sound system, it’s important to consider a few factors. First, identify the areas where birds tend to gather or leave droppings on your patio furniture. This could be near trees, fences, or other structures in your yard. Once you’ve determined the optimal locations, mount the ultrasonic sound system at a height that is visible to birds but still easily accessible for maintenance.

Ensure that the ultrasonic sound system is properly powered and connected to a reliable power source, as it needs to be operational at all times for maximum effectiveness. Adjust the settings according to the specific needs of your outdoor space, such as the distance and frequency range. Regularly inspect and clean the ultrasonic sound system to maintain its functionality and prevent any blockages or damage that may affect its performance.

By incorporating an ultrasonic sound system into your bird deterrent strategy, you can enjoy a bird-free patio furniture area and keep your outdoor space clean and inviting. Remember, it’s important to combine different bird deterrent methods for optimal results, as birds may become accustomed to a single method over time. Experiment with various approaches and tailor your strategy to suit your specific needs and preferences.

Pros Cons
Effectively deters birds with inaudible high-pitched sounds Requires a power source for continuous operation
Covers a wide range, suitable for small and large outdoor areas Birds may become accustomed to the sound over time
Easy to install and adjust settings Regular maintenance and cleaning required
Does not harm birds or other animals Effectiveness may vary depending on bird species and environmental factors

Hanging Mirrors

If you’re looking for an affordable and effective way to keep birds away from your patio furniture, consider using hanging mirrors. Birds are often deterred by shiny, reflective objects, and hanging a few small mirrors from tree branches or your fence can help create a bird-free zone. The movement and reflection of the mirrors can confuse and scare birds, as they may mistake their own reflection for another bird or assume that the area has already been foraged. You can easily purchase inexpensive small mirrors from dollar or craft stores and hang them using rope, ribbon, or fishing line.

Benefits of Hanging Mirrors:

  • Shiny and reflective surfaces deter birds from landing
  • Movement of mirrors confuses and scares birds
  • Inexpensive and easy to find
  • Can be hung from various locations for maximum effectiveness

By strategically placing hanging mirrors around your patio furniture, you can create a visual barrier that birds will want to avoid. The reflective surfaces will help maintain a clean and bird-free outdoor space, allowing you to enjoy your patio furniture without the hassle of bird droppings.

Methods Effectiveness Cost
Hanging Mirrors High Low
Plastic Predator Birds Medium Low
Ultrasonic Sound System High Medium

Spinning Pinwheels: An Effective Bird Deterrent for Your Patio Furniture

If you’re tired of birds leaving droppings on your patio furniture, spinning pinwheels can provide an effective solution. These shiny and colorful toys not only add a touch of whimsy to your outdoor space but also serve as a great bird deterrent. The motion and reflection of the metallic materials used in pinwheels create a visual deterrent that scares birds away.

To use spinning pinwheels as a bird deterrent, secure them to the top of your fence or deck railing, where you have noticed the most bird droppings. Look for pinwheels made of shiny or metallic materials for maximum effectiveness. As the wind blows, the pinwheels spin, creating a dazzling display that birds find unappealing. This visual deterrent will discourage birds from landing on your patio furniture.

Spinning pinwheels are an affordable option and can be easily found at dollar stores or toy stores. They are easy to install and require minimal maintenance. By incorporating spinning pinwheels into your outdoor decor, you can enjoy bird-free patio furniture and a clean outdoor space.

Benefits of Using Spinning Pinwheels:

  • Shiny and colorful design that adds visual interest to your outdoor space
  • Motion and reflection deter birds from landing on your patio furniture
  • Affordable and readily available at dollar stores or toy stores
  • Easy installation and minimal maintenance
Product Price Material Color
Spinning Pinwheels (Pack of 6) $9.99 Metal and Plastic Assorted (Red, Blue, Green)
Large Shiny Pinwheel $5.99 Metal Gold
Colorful Spinning Pinwheel $3.99 Plastic Assorted (Yellow, Pink, Purple)

Table: Different Types of Spinning Pinwheels

With spinning pinwheels, you can effectively deter birds from leaving droppings on your patio furniture while adding a touch of fun and color to your outdoor space. Try incorporating these bird deterrents into your patio decor and enjoy a clean and bird-free environment.

Wind Chimes

Wind chimes serve as both a decorative and practical solution for keeping birds away from your patio furniture. The shiny, reflective surfaces of wind chimes catch the sunlight and create an eye-catching spectacle that can deter birds from landing in your backyard. Additionally, the gentle, melodic sound produced by wind chimes can serve as a deterrent to birds, as the unfamiliar noise may make them uncomfortable.

To effectively utilize wind chimes as a bird deterrent, hang them from trees, your fence, or the overhang of your porch. The strategic placement of wind chimes in areas where birds frequently land or gather can help create an environment that birds want to avoid. Choose wind chimes with shiny, metallic elements to maximize their effectiveness in deterring birds.

Benefits of Wind Chimes as Bird Deterrents

  • The reflective surfaces of wind chimes confuse and startle birds, making them less likely to land on your patio furniture.
  • The pleasant sound produced by wind chimes adds a soothing, peaceful ambiance to your outdoor space.
  • Wind chimes are visually appealing and can easily blend with your garden or patio decor.

By incorporating wind chimes into your outdoor space, you can enjoy the beauty of these decorative pieces while keeping birds at bay and maintaining clean patio furniture.

Wind Chimes as Bird Deterrents Benefits
Reflective surfaces Confuses and startles birds
Pleasant sound Creates a peaceful ambiance
Visually appealing Blends with garden/patio decor

Reflective Bird Diverters

When it comes to keeping birds away from your patio furniture, reflective bird diverters can be a simple and effective solution. These small circular tags imitate the eyes of predator birds, creating the illusion of moving predators. Hang them from tree branches, your fence, or other areas where birds often gather, and watch as the shiny surface reflects light and scares birds away. Reflective bird diverters are affordable and readily available at hardware and outdoor stores.

While not the most aesthetically pleasing option, reflective bird diverters provide a quick and efficient way to keep birds off your patio furniture. Their effectiveness lies in their ability to create a sense of danger and make birds feel threatened. By installing these shiny bird deterrent tags around your outdoor space, you can enjoy a bird-free environment and protect your furniture from unwanted droppings.

To use reflective bird diverters effectively, hang them strategically in areas where birds tend to congregate. This could be near bird feeders, fruit trees, or anywhere that provides a food source for them. By disrupting their feeding patterns and creating a sense of risk, you can deter birds from landing on your patio furniture and maintain a clean outdoor space.

Pros Cons
Quick and easy to install Not the most visually appealing option
Affordable solution May require frequent repositioning for maximum effectiveness
Creates a sense of danger for birds Works best when combined with other bird deterrent methods

Fishing Line Trick

Another effective method to deter birds from leaving droppings on your patio furniture is the fishing line trick. By creating an invisible barrier using fishing line, you can prevent birds from landing and perching on your outdoor seating.

To implement this technique, attach evenly spaced plastic clips around the top edge of your patio or any areas where birds tend to gather. String fishing line between the clips, leaving a few inches of space between the line and the furniture’s surface. The thin, transparent fishing line creates a visual obstruction for birds, making it difficult for them to land without colliding or feeling insecure.

The fishing line trick is a cost-effective solution that is easy to set up and maintain. It provides an unobtrusive method of bird deterrence, allowing you to enjoy your patio furniture without the hassle of constant cleaning or damage caused by bird droppings.

Benefits of the Fishing Line Trick Considerations
  • Creates an invisible barrier for birds
  • Prevents birds from perching and leaving droppings
  • Easy to set up and maintain
  • Cost-effective solution
  • Ensure the fishing line is taut and properly secured
  • Regularly inspect and adjust the fishing line if necessary
  • Some birds may attempt to fly under or through the fishing line

Floating Pool Predators

If you have a pool and want to keep birds away, consider using floating pool predators as a bird deterrent. These inflatable pool toys, such as alligators, snakes, or sharks, create the illusion of danger and scare birds away from your pool area. You can find these deterrents at hardware, outdoor, or pool stores. By placing them strategically in your pool, birds flying overhead will think twice before landing anywhere near it, keeping your pool and patio furniture free from bird droppings.

Benefits of Floating Pool Predators

  • Effective deterrence: Floating pool predators create a visual deterrent that birds recognize as a potential threat, causing them to stay away from your pool area.
  • Affordable solution: Inflatable pool predators are a cost-effective way to keep birds off your patio furniture without the need for expensive or complex bird control systems.
  • Easily adjustable: You can move and rearrange the floating pool predators as needed to ensure optimal coverage and deterrence.
  • Fun and decorative: These pool toys not only serve a practical purpose but can also add a playful touch to your pool area, enhancing its overall aesthetic appeal.

Remember to inform your guests that the floating pool predators are fake to avoid any unnecessary alarm. Enjoy a clean and bird-free pool area with these simple and visually engaging bird deterrent toys!

Benefits of Floating Pool Predators
Effective deterrence
Affordable solution
Easily adjustable
Fun and decorative


In conclusion, keeping birds from pooping on your patio furniture is not only possible but also achievable with the right tactics. By implementing a combination of effective methods, such as using plastic predator birds, ultrasonic sound systems, hanging mirrors, spinning pinwheels, wind chimes, reflective bird diverters, fishing line tricks, floating pool predators, inflatable beach balls, and eliminating food sources, you can create a bird-free outdoor space.

Remember to choose the methods that suit your preferences and budget. Plastic predator birds and ultrasonic sound systems can mimic the presence of predator species, deterring birds from landing on your furniture. Hanging mirrors, spinning pinwheels, and wind chimes utilize reflective and shiny surfaces to confuse and scare birds away. Reflective bird diverters imitate moving predators, while the fishing line trick creates an invisible barrier for birds. Floating pool predators and inflatable beach balls add a touch of fun while effectively keeping birds at bay.

By eliminating food sources and maintaining a clean outdoor area, you can further discourage birds from frequenting your patio furniture. With these strategies in place, you can enjoy your outdoor space without the hassle of bird droppings. So go ahead, implement these methods, and reclaim your bird-free oasis!


How do I keep birds from pooping on my patio furniture?

There are several effective methods you can try, such as using plastic predator birds, ultrasonic sound systems, hanging mirrors, spinning pinwheels, wind chimes, reflective bird diverters, fishing line tricks, floating pool predators, inflatable beach balls, and eliminating food sources.

Where can I get plastic predator birds?

You can purchase plastic owls or hawks from hardware or home stores.

How do ultrasonic sound systems work to deter birds?

Ultrasonic sound systems emit high-pitched noises that are undetectable to humans but irritate and scare off birds.

How can hanging mirrors help keep birds away?

Hanging small mirrors from tree branches or your fence can confuse and scare birds with their movement and reflection.

Are spinning pinwheels effective in deterring birds?

Yes, the motion and reflection of metallic pinwheels can scare birds away from your patio furniture.

How do wind chimes keep birds away?

Wind chimes with shiny, reflective surfaces and unfamiliar sounds can deter birds from landing in your backyard.

What are reflective bird diverters and how do they work?

Reflective bird diverters are small circular tags that imitate the eye of a predator bird. The shiny surface reflects light and creates the illusion of moving predators, scaring birds away.

How does the fishing line trick help keep birds off my patio furniture?

Stringing fishing line around the top edge of your pool creates a barrier that hinders birds from landing on the pool’s edge and leaving droppings on your furniture.

Where can I find floating pool predators?

You can find inflatable alligators, snakes, or sharks at hardware, outdoor, or pool stores to deter birds from your pool area.

How can I eliminate food sources to prevent birds from pooping on my patio furniture?

Ensure there are no food sources near your patio furniture, such as uncovered bird feeders or open trash cans, as this can attract birds.

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