How to Keep Spiders Off Outdoor Furniture: Easy Tips

how to keep spiders off outdoor furniture

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Spiders can be a nuisance when they start making themselves at home on your outdoor furniture. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some simple and effective tips to keep those eight-legged intruders away. By following these easy steps, you can enjoy your patio without the fear of encountering unwanted arachnid guests.

Key Takeaways:

  • Keep your patio clean and clutter-free to discourage spiders from settling on your outdoor furniture.
  • Use lights to create a well-lit environment, forcing spiders to settle in darker areas away from your patio furniture.
  • Plant spider-repellent herbs like basil, lavender, mint, and rosemary to naturally deter spiders.
  • Burn citronella candles or use essential oils as additional protection against spiders on outdoor furniture.
  • Implementing these tips can help create a spider-free patio and enhance your outdoor living experience.

Keep Your Patio Clean and Tidy

Spiders are unwelcome guests on outdoor furniture, but you can easily keep them at bay by maintaining a clean and tidy patio. These arachnids are attracted to debris and clutter, so a clutter-free outdoor space will discourage them from settling on your furniture.

Start by regularly sweeping and washing your patio to remove any leaves, dirt, or other potential spider hiding spots. Remember to pay close attention to corners and crevices, as spiders often spin webs in these areas. Additionally, wipe down your outdoor furniture with warm soapy water to eliminate any existing spider webs and eggs.

To maintain a spider-free patio, it’s important to remove any potential spider hiding spots. Trim back overgrown plants and shrubs near your seating areas, as these can provide ideal hiding places for spiders. By keeping your patio clean and tidy, you’ll significantly reduce the presence of spiders on your outdoor furniture.

Additional Tips:

  • Store cushions and blankets in sealed containers when not in use to prevent spiders from nesting in them.
  • Regularly check and clean any outdoor storage units, as spiders may seek shelter in these areas.
  • Consider using a high-powered hose or pressure washer to remove spider webs from hard-to-reach areas.

Use Lights to Deter Spiders

Spiders on deck furniture can be a common problem, but there’s an easy and effective way to repel them – lights. Spiders prefer dark corners and shady areas, so by illuminating your outdoor seating areas, you can create an environment that is less attractive to them.

Consider using outdoor lighting fixtures or string lights to light up your patio or deck. By ensuring that there are no dark spots where spiders can build their webs, you can significantly reduce their presence on your outdoor furniture. Bright lights also make it easier to spot any spiders that may try to make a home on your deck chairs or tables.

repelling spiders from outdoor seating areas

To make your outdoor seating areas even less appealing to spiders, ensure that the lights remain on during the night. This will force spiders to seek darker areas away from your furniture. With a well-lit patio or deck, you can enjoy your outdoor space without the fear of encountering spiders.

Additional Tips:

  • Place lights strategically around your outdoor seating areas to provide maximum coverage.
  • Consider using motion-activated lights to startle spiders and discourage them from settling on your furniture.
  • Regularly inspect and clean your lights to ensure they are functioning properly and don’t attract insects, which can in turn attract spiders.

Plant Spider-Repellent Herbs

If you’re looking for a natural and DIY solution to keep spiders off your outdoor chairs and other furniture, planting spider-repellent herbs can be a great option. Certain herbs, such as basil, lavender, mint, and rosemary, have scents that spiders dislike, making them an effective deterrent. By strategically placing these herbs in containers on your garden table or around your patio, you can create a pleasant-smelling environment while keeping spiders at bay.

In addition to their strong aromas, these herbs also have other benefits. Basil and mint, for example, are known for their mosquito-repellent properties, while lavender has a calming effect, perfect for creating a relaxing outdoor space. By incorporating spider-repellent herbs into your patio decor, you’ll not only keep spiders away but also add a touch of natural beauty to your outdoor seating areas.

Removing Hiding Spots

While planting spider-repellent herbs can help deter spiders, it’s also important to eliminate potential hiding spots near your seating areas. Spiders often hide in shrubs, plants, and other vegetation, so clearing them away from your patio can further discourage spiders from settling on your outdoor furniture. Regularly trim bushes, remove overgrown plants, and maintain a tidy garden to minimize hiding spots and create a less enticing environment for spiders.

Creating a Spider-Free Oasis

By combining the power of spider-repellent herbs and eliminating hiding spots, you can create a spider-free oasis on your patio. Not only will you be able to enjoy your outdoor furniture without the nuisance of spiders, but you’ll also create a more inviting space for yourself and your guests. So why not take advantage of nature’s solutions and enhance your outdoor living experience with the beauty and benefits of spider-repellent herbs?


  • Plant spider-repellent herbs like basil, lavender, mint, and rosemary in containers on your garden table or around your patio.
  • These herbs have scents that spiders dislike, making them an effective natural deterrent for outdoor furniture.
  • Clear shrubs and plants near your seating areas to eliminate hiding spots for spiders.
  • By incorporating spider-repellent herbs and creating a less enticing environment, you can enjoy a spider-free patio.


By implementing these spider prevention tips, you can keep spiders off your outdoor furniture and enjoy a spider-free patio. Maintaining a clean and clutter-free patio is essential in discouraging spiders from settling on your outdoor furniture. Regularly sweep and wash your patio, and wipe down your outdoor furniture with warm soapy water to eliminate webs and hiding spots.

Using lights to deter spiders is another effective strategy. Keep your outdoor areas well-lit at night to force spiders to settle in darker areas of your garden, away from your furniture. Consider using outdoor lighting fixtures or string lights to create a less attractive environment for spiders.

Planting spider-repellent herbs like basil, lavender, mint, and rosemary can also help keep spiders away. Place these herbs in containers around your patio or on your garden table to repel spiders. Additionally, removing shrubs and plants that provide hiding spots for spiders near your seating areas can further discourage them from settling on your outdoor furniture.

To enhance your spider prevention efforts, use natural deterrents like citronella candles or essential oils. Burning citronella candles on your patio can help repel spiders, while essential oils like peppermint or eucalyptus can be sprayed around your outdoor furniture to keep spiders at bay. By incorporating these strategies into your outdoor living routine, you can create a spider-free patio and enjoy a more pleasant outdoor experience.


How can I keep spiders off my outdoor furniture?

To keep spiders off your outdoor furniture, you can follow these easy tips: keeping your patio clean and clutter-free, using lights to deter spiders, planting spider-repellent herbs, and using natural deterrents like citronella candles and essential oils.

How often should I clean my patio to prevent spiders?

It is recommended to regularly sweep and wash your patio to prevent spiders. By keeping your patio clean and tidy, you can discourage spiders from settling on your outdoor furniture.

What kind of lights can I use to deter spiders?

Leaving lights on at night can help deter spiders from settling on your outdoor furniture. Consider using outdoor lighting fixtures or string lights to create a well-lit environment and reduce the attraction for spiders.

Which herbs can repel spiders?

Certain herbs like basil, lavender, mint, and rosemary have scents that spiders dislike. Planting these herbs in containers and placing them on your garden table or around your patio can help repel spiders and keep them away from your outdoor furniture.

Are there any natural deterrents I can use to keep spiders off my outdoor furniture?

Yes, besides planting spider-repellent herbs, you can also burn citronella candles or use essential oils or spider-repellent sprays to provide further protection against spiders on your outdoor furniture.

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